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What does ART treat?
Covid 19
If you have questions, or would like more information, please leave your name and contact information.
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Main Camp
Camp Time
Camp days
My Food Plan-Must be turned in Each Friday by midnight
Ph I(1st time/PreReq-PH III)
Ph II(Completion of PH I)
Ph III(Completion of PH II)
BFL Plan
No Plan( I understand that I will not receive weekly feed back on this plan)
Weather Concerns
I Understand there are two camps that Do not Cancel-AM Stone Oak(in between the subdivision/school) under the pavilion. PM-Walker's Ranch Under the Pavilion- Most camps can't be cancelled until the trainer is at the site. Inclement weather at one location does not mean it is at another.I may attend those camps is my session is cancelled.
I understand that the Password is now- PushupsRock
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